Wiltshire Racial Equality Council

About Wiltshire Racial Equality Council

Wiltshire Racial Equality Council provides advice and support. For individuals to stop racism and discrimination

Services Provided:

Wiltshire REC has remained active by doing outreach with local community groups. As well as publicising our presence with statutory services and other third sector organisations. According to all protected characteristics, we offer assistance to clients facing discrimination as stated in the 2010 Equality Act. We continue to serve Wiltshire diverse communities.


Whole Family

Areas Covered:

Wiltshire (excluding Swindon)

How are services accessed?

Professional & Self-Referral

Member Logo Coming Soon

Contact Name:


01225 766439

Become a Member

Are you a voluntary organisation working with children, families and young people in Wiltshire? Wiltshire Children & Families Volunatry Sector Forum (CFVSF) is for you. Membership is free and being part of CFVSF helps to ensure a strong working relationship and partnership working between the public sector and VCSE organisations.