The Wiltshire Children and Families Voluntary Sector Forum (CFVSF) works across Wiltshire to bring together voluntary organisations offering services for children and families. The forum is funded by Wiltshire Council and works closely with the local authority to ensure there is a strong relationship and good partnership working between the public sector and Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) sector.
Membership of CFVSF is free and open to all VCSE organisations working with children, families and young people in Wiltshire.
Bi-monthly forum meetings take place, where agencies are able to share information and stay up to date on any new policies and procedures relating to working with children, young people and their families in Wiltshire. The forum is also a platform for organisations to share their knowledge and experience, when services for children and families in Wiltshire are being planned.
The forum plays an active role in promoting the voice and influence of voluntary sector organisations. Members attend groups held by the Families and Children Transformation (FACT) project and Wiltshire Safeguarding Children Board.
For more information about CFVSF or about the local authority groups and representatives, please contact: admin@cfvsf.org
CFVSF is organised by an Executive Committee elected by Forum members to ensure good governance. Find out more about our Chair and Executive Committee and download our annual report.
CFVSF brings together a variety of VCSE organisations working together to support children, young people and their families in Wiltshire. View a list of our members or search and filter to find local services.
CFVSF holds regular meetings and workshops for forum members. View a list of upcoming meetings and workshops including dates, times and locations on our forum meeting calendar
Become a Member
Are you a voluntary organisation working with children, families and young people in Wiltshire? Wiltshire Children & Families Volunatry Sector Forum (CFVSF) is for you. Membership is free and being part of CFVSF helps to ensure a strong working relationship and partnership working between the public sector and VCSE organisations.