Safeguarding Vulnerable People Partnership
On 4 February 2019 Wiltshire Police, Wiltshire Council and NHS Wiltshire Clinical Commissioning Group published a new plan designed to ensure they are doing all they can as a partnership to safeguard children and vulnerable adults.
New Government guidance in 2018 set out how local areas should work to replace Local Safeguarding Children Boards (LSCB) with new partnership arrangements. As part of the Department of Education’s Early Adopter’s Programme Wiltshire is one of the first areas in the country to announce how it will respond locally to the new requirements.
“Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018” requires that as local safeguarding partners the Council, the Police and the CCG publish arrangements to work together to safeguard and promote the welfare of local children.
Wiltshire’s plan introduces a ‘Safeguarding Vulnerable People’s Partnership’ which will bring together those who lead Wiltshire’s services to safeguard children, young people and adults. The plan is based on a clear and simple recognition that children, young people and adults live in families and local communities that can be both sources of support and safety or of danger and risk.
Our new approach to safeguarding and protecting our communities will ensure that systems are scrutinised not just by professionals but informed by families and that agencies are pooling intelligence to tackle threats like County Lines. The new partnership will work hand in hand with:
- The Family and Children’s Transformation (FACT) Programme
- The Education Transformation Board
- The Adult Transformation programme
- The Community Safety Partnership
- Wiltshire Safeguarding Adults Board
Find out more about the Safeguarding Vulnerable People Partnership.
The Families & Children Transformation (FACT) Programme takes a a whole-system approach to the way Wiltshire Council works with partners, staff, children, young people and their families. Find out more about the FACT programme.
Multi-agency forums (MAFs) help to ensure collaborative working across services, teams and thresholds in Wiltshire. Almost every community area in Wiltshire has a locally owned and managed MAF. Find out more about the role of MAFs.
Community Engagement Managers (CEMs) are important partners for VCSE organisations. Working across Wiltshire, their role involves creating more welcoming and inclusive communities and supporting and enabling groups and individuals.