Multi-Agency Forums (MAFs)
It is vital to provide the right help early on, to ensure our children and young people have the best chance of achieving good outcomes. For this to happen we need truly collaborative working across services, teams and thresholds.
Almost every community area in Wiltshire has a locally owned and managed Multi-Agency Forum (MAF). This is very important as localised ownership is the glue that keeps MAFs focussed on local needs and locally supported partnership working. This in turn makes the MAF more meaningful and useful for local staff.
The quality of support available at MAFs is exceptionally high and helps direct professionals to the most appropriate support for the child or young person – so less time is spent navigating services. This also means that any support or intervention needed to support children, young people and their families in Wiltshire, can happen at an earlier stage.
Multi-Agency Forums are a valuable mechanism for enabling partnership working as they provide an opportunity for:
- Discussing anonymised CAF cases for peer advice and guidance (unless it is clear that parents and the young person have given permission for their details to be shared with a range of professionals).
- Hearing about local service updates and changes
- Learning about effective interventions
- Focusing attention on key issues specific to your locality
- Effective peer support and networking
For more information about MAF meeting dates, please see the meeting dates calendar.
Safeguarding Vulnerable People Partnership
The Safeguarding Vulnerable People Partnership (SVPP) was established in early 2019 to replace the Wiltshire Safeguarding Children Board (WSCB). The SVPP meets regularly to ensure local organisations are working together to safeguard and promote the welfare of local children including identifying and responding to their needs.
The Families & Children Transformation (FACT) Programme takes a a whole-system approach to the way Wiltshire Council works with partners, staff, children, young people and their families. Find out more about the FACT programme.
Community Engagement Managers (CEMs) are important partners for VCSE organisations. Working across Wiltshire, their role involves creating more welcoming and inclusive communities and supporting and enabling groups and individuals.