Glossary of Terms

AWSArmy Welfare Service
CAFCommon Assessment Framework
CAMHSChild and Adolescent Mental Health Services
CAPOChildren Affected by Parental Offending
CEMCommunity Engagement Manager
CFVSFChildren and Families Voluntary Sector Forum
CICChildren in Care
CiNChild in Need
CPChild Protection
CSIChildren's Services Integration Project
DARTDigital Assessment and Referral Tool
FACTFamilies and Children Transformation (Programme)
LACLooked after Children
MAFMulti-Agency Forum
MARACMulti Agency Risk Assessment Conference
NEETNot in Education, Employment or Training
PAPersonal Advisor
PIMHPerinatal and Infant Mental Health
SENDSpecial Educational Needs and Disability
WSCBWiltshire Safeguarding Children Board
WCYPTWiltshire Children and Young People's Trust
YOTYouth Offending Team
YPYoung People



The Families & Children Transformation (FACT) Programme takes a a whole-system approach to the way Wiltshire Council works with partners, staff, children, young people and their families. Find out more about the FACT programme.


Multi-agency forums (MAFs) help to ensure collaborative working across services, teams and thresholds in Wiltshire. Almost every community area in Wiltshire has a locally owned and managed MAF. Find out more about the role of MAFs.


Community Engagement Managers (CEMs) are important partners for VCSE organisations. Working across Wiltshire, their role involves creating more welcoming and inclusive communities and supporting and enabling groups and individuals.