Wiltshire Council
FACT – Families & Children’s Transformation
The Families & Children Transformation (FACT) Programme takes a a whole-system approach to the way Wiltshire Council works with partners, staff, children, young people and their families..
FACT aims to streamline and improve the way we work, promoting multi-agency integration and enabling us to be more efficient in the delivery of our services and more effective at helping families and children achieve positive outcomes.
As part of our shared vision and shared Practise Framework, we will empower professionals to maximise the time spent with families, providing early support to prevent escalation and ensuring that our children thrive in their communities.
To access the latest information, including newsletter, please click here.

CFVSF is funded by Wiltshire Council
The FACT Programme has 8 workstreams, within which there are a number of individual projects.
Safeguarding Vulnerable People Partnership
The Safeguarding Vulnerable People Partnership (SVPP) was established in early 2019 to replace the Wiltshire Safeguarding Children Board (WSCB). The SVPP meets regularly to ensure local organisations are working together to safeguard and promote the welfare of local children including identifying and responding to their needs.
Multi-agency forums (MAFs) help to ensure collaborative working across services, teams and thresholds in Wiltshire. Almost every community area in Wiltshire has a locally owned and managed MAF. Find out more about the role of MAFs.
Community Engagement Managers (CEMs) are important partners for VCSE organisations. Working across Wiltshire, their role involves creating more welcoming and inclusive communities and supporting and enabling groups and individuals.