Warminster Action Group

About Warminster Action Group

We are a community based charity, fully run by volunteers to support the residents of Warminster and surrounding villages.

Services Provided:

We run a number of services that are fully inclusive, all our services are free :-
Shopping and prescription pick ups.
Telephone or face to face companionship.
Uniform Bank
A safe community space in the middle of Warminster town that is open three days a week. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 10am – 2pm.


Under 5s
Young People

Areas Covered:

Specific Areas (Warminster & Surrounds)

How are services accessed?

No Referral Necessary

Become a Member

Are you a voluntary organisation working with children, families and young people in Wiltshire? Wiltshire Children & Families Volunatry Sector Forum (CFVSF) is for you. Membership is free and being part of CFVSF helps to ensure a strong working relationship and partnership working between the public sector and VCSE organisations.