Tony Griffin Safeguarding Children Training
About Tony Griffin Safeguarding Children Training
Tony Griffin is a retired Wiltshire Police Officer of 31 years’ experience. He spent 20 years investigating child abuse and neglect then managed the Child Abuse Investigation Team in Salisbury for 5 years. He is also qualified to teach adults and went on to lead, develop and deliver the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Children Training Programme for Wiltshire Safeguarding Children Board. (WSCB)
Services Provided:
Tony has now launched his own independent training programme for all early years, school and voluntary workers in Wiltshire. He can provide CPD accredited courses. One-day courses: Foundation Level Child Protection, Advanced level Child Protection and a Child Sexual Exploitation course.
He can also provide a half-day Sexualised Behaviours Course and a half day awareness raising course
Under 5s, Young People, Families (All Ages)
Areas Covered:
Wiltshire & Swindon
How are services accessed?
Self-Referral, Professional Referral
Contact Name:
Tony Griffin
96 Winterslow Road
07554 427881
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