Springboard Opportunity Group

About Springboard Opportunity Group

Springboard North Wilts Opportunity Group is a pre-school for children with special needs. All the children attending Springboard have some speech language or communication difficulty which impacts massively on their ability to access the mainstream world. Other children have a range of complex health needs, life limiting conditions or developmental delay, all of which need specialised intensive adult support to manage their physical difficulties, sensory impairment and complex medical needs.

Services Provided:

Services for Children aged 0-5 with SEN or disabilities and their families. We are an opportunity group that provides services as a district specialist centre.

Pre-school sessions M, W, TH, F, Assessment sessions Monday pm, Stay and Play sessions Tuesday am, Multi agency meetings, Saturdads, Playdates.


Under 5s

Areas Covered:

North Wiltshire 

How are services accessed?

Children can be referred to Springboard by parent or professional.


King’s Rise Children’s Centre
Lodge Road
SN15 3SY


01249 657145

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