Brandon Trust
About Brandon Trust
For adults and children with learning disabilities and/or autism.
Services Provided:
Families and Children’s project – working with up to 5 families at a time over approx. 12 weeks offering and delivering parenting support, advice and strategies to increase resilience and parenting skills within and from the family home. We can also offer a children and family service as an alternative to traditional models of support which often ask young people and their families to fit into services that don’t fit their lives. This is a separate service which sits outside of the project that we have been running.
We work alongside families and children so that they can choose their own staff and design support which fits and flex around the family allowing the young person, their parents and siblings to be families first. This could be commissioned in a variety of ways and be from 4 hrs to 24/7 dependant on the child’s assessed need.
The service will be delivered across 7 days per week 24hrs per day
We deliver joint training for family members, including siblings and grandparents to enable them as a family to have the tools they need to be resilient and less reliant on paid support.
We encourage children to be children first and share all the experiences that their siblings and non-disabled peers would as part of their own childhood experience.
Also provide flexible support for adults and 24/7 support via supported living model to adults in or from their own home. We work with younger adults through transition from the family home and/or college into shared support and accommodation. We support people to maintain their tenancies, budget, find suitable learning, development and employment opportunities as well as engaging with their local community and being a valued citizen.
Young People, Families
Areas Covered:
All areas of Wiltshire, South West and London
How are services accessed?
Re project – via Wiltshire Council Gateway referral with CAF.
All other services – referrals via Wiltshire Council or self-referral.
Contact Name:
Gavin Eyre (Locality Manager)
07464 670486
Kestrel House
7 Mill Street
BA14 8BE
0117 907 7200
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