WSUN – Wiltshire Service Users’ Network

About Wiltshire Service Users’ Network

Founded in 1991, Wiltshire Service Users’ Network was the first User led organisation in Wiltshire and one of the pioneering organisations in the country. It was formed by people who use health and social services, to promote user involvement and support people to have a voice.

Services Provided:

  • Holding meetings on issues of concern
  • Organise & facilitate consultations & forums to give our views
  • Taking part in the training of social workers
  • Participating in meetings as part of the joint planning of services locally
  • Independent monitoring of Help to Live at Home Scheme
  • Wiltshire Independent Travel Service (see below)
  • Membership of the Network is free.

Wiltshire Independent Travel Service (WITS), provides initial travel support to individuals who would like to travel independently on public transport for work, to meet friends, for college or training. A travel supporter will accompany the person on their journey until they become confident. We can work on skills like planning a journey, road safety, telling the time, using money or a bus pass and help to build confidence. The only cost to the individual are any bus or train fares although where possible we will assist people to apply for disabled person passes.


WSUN – Adults 18+ (including parents/carers of children who use Health & Social Care Services). WITS – 15+

Areas Covered:

Wiltshire (excluding Swindon)

How are services accessed?

WSUN – Any Wiltshire resident can become a member of WSUN and then access our Forums, newsletters, information, projects, consultations etc. The more representative we are (e.g. of parents of children with special needs) the more their voices will be noticed at a strategic level. WITS – Self referral or via Professional Agencies.


The Independent Living Centre
St George’s Road
BA14 6JQ

01380 871800

Become a Member

Are you a voluntary organisation working with children, families and young people in Wiltshire? Wiltshire Children & Families Volunatry Sector Forum (CFVSF) is for you. Membership is free and being part of CFVSF helps to ensure a strong working relationship and partnership working between the public sector and VCSE organisations.