Wiltshire Portage

About Wiltshire Portage

Wiltshire Portage is an independent organisation and a registered charity, providing a free home visiting service to over 100 families in the towns and villages across Wiltshire.

The children who use the service have a wide range of needs and Portage Home Visitors use a variety of developmental checklists and journals to help identify a child’s strengths and goals for future learning.

Together with parents, Portage Home Visitors observe, play and then design individual bespoke education programmes aimed at helping the child to develop skills. This carefully structure but flexible system helps parents become even better teachers for their child.

Wiltshire Portage is registered with the National Portage Association.

Services Provided:

Wiltshire Portage provides Educational Home Visits for children with disabilities and difficulties from birth to school entry, as well as offering support to the family. The visits are an hour to an hour and a half, usually weekly although fortnightly or monthly visits may be offered.

The Portage sessions are play based; a discussion and partnership approach are key. Wiltshire Portage looks at the child’s strengths and needs, then an individual plan is agreed to help each child learn new skills in a small achievable step-by-step approach, with lots of opportunities for repetition and practice.


Under 5s (Birth to school entry)

Areas Covered:

Wiltshire (excluding Swindon)

How are services accessed?

Self-Referral, Professional Referral

By referral from any professional working with the child, with parental consent. Parents can also refer their child by telephoning the office to discuss their child’s needs. The Serviced criteria can be found on the website.

Contact Name:

Sarah Francome


Kings Rise Children’s Centre
Pewsham, Chippenham
SN15 3SY


01234 567891

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