Open Blue Trust
About Open Blue Trust
Open Blue Trust uses a converted double-decker bus as a mobile community centre to deliver opportunities to isolated communities in North Wiltshire. The Open Blue Trust is a faith based registered charity committed to helping those who need it most and working in partnership with local communities.
Services Provided:
For children, young families and older people who live in isolated communities including army families, travellers.
- 1 Pot cookery course (Malmesbury)
- Residents Cafe, (Corsham Rd estate Lacock),
- Afterschool club (Thingley traveller site),
- Parent/toddler group, afterschool club (Hullavington, army families),
- Youth drop-in (Calne).
Under 5s, Young People, Families
Areas Covered:
North & West Wiltshire
How are services accessed?
Free to access the bus when it is in their community
The Open Blue Trust
16 Wessington Avenue
SN11 0AW
01249 819434
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