Kingdom Youth Services
About Kingdom Youth Services
Kingdom Youth Services (KYS) is an up to 24 hour semi-independent living support service primarily for looked after children, both male and female, between the ages of 16-18. We specialize in providing a combination of up to 24 hour shared and standalone placements with a comprehensive professional support service. We offer both short and long term support, including emergency placements.
Services Provided:
We use person centred support to actively encourage and enable each young person to take part in activities for growth and skill development towards independent living. KYS helps young people meet a full range of outcomes, including a more active social life, improved daily living skills, and access to education and employment. We honour each young person’s unique identity. We help them to develop their own beliefs and values, and we accept both their culture and heritage.
Our placement programme allows young people to become more confident and independent, leading to higher self-esteem. We undertake a complete person centred assessment to determine their specific needs, enabling movement towards independent living.
We offer focused, one to one and small group workshops helping young people to adequately prepare for adulthood, transitioning and moving on to reduced levels of support as and when the time is right.
Young People
Areas Covered:
Wiltshire & Swindon
How are services accessed?
Self-Referral, Professional Referral
Contact Name:
Mike Marsh
24 Wynwards Road
SN24 4ZP
07412 455718
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