Julian House
About Julian House
Julian House is the leading provider of services to single homeless men and women in Bath & North East Somerset.
Services Provided:
Julian House operates more than 20 different projects, accommodation sites and social enterprises in Bath, Bristol and Wiltshire. These include: a range of homeless services, support for those suffering domestic violence, addiction recovery, individuals with learning difficulties, work experience and training.
Projects such as the Meaningful Occupation Programmes and our social enterprises are targeted at preventing people becoming homeless by engaging them in meaningful activities, training and preparation for employment. Not just changing lives – often saving lives.
The charity also helps to coordinate a rough sleeper reporting helpline in B&NES, Wiltshire, Swindon, Somerset and North Somerset. This allows members of the public to alert local services about anyone they see in a vulnerable situation outside.
At the Bike Workshop in Trowbridge we offer a 6 week Build a Bike course that gives a rewarding, hands-on introduction to bicycle maintenance. On completion of the course, participants will have completely dismantled and rebuilt their own bike from scratch. This bike is then theirs to keep, thereby removing a barrier to employment or training and promoting overall health and well-being. The course is also AQA accredited and participants are awarded a range of certificates which recognise their achievements.
Young People 18 + (pre-18’s dependant on circumstances – in Bike Workshop)
Areas Covered:
Wiltshire (Bike workshop)
How are services accessed?
Self-Referral, Professional Referral (from partner support agencies)
Contact Name:
Sandra Parkin
07534 092557
5-9 Duke Street
BA14 0ES
01225 764485
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