Dorothy House Hospice Care
About Dorothy House Hospice Care
We provide compassionate care and support for people in our community with a life-limiting illness. Dorothy House focuses on quality of life, so patients can live well and die well.
We give care and support to patients and their families in Bath and north east Somerset and parts of Wiltshire and Somerset, whenever they need it; at home, in the hospice, or at one of our outreach centres. We respect the uniqueness of each patient and their family, and empower them to choose the type of care they receive.
Services Provided:
Dorothy House provides social work and therapeutic services to the families (adults and children) of patients under the care of Dorothy House, including:
- Advice, support and information for parents (telephone and face-to-face)
- A monthly group for bereaved teenagers
- Outdoor activity days for bereaved children and their surviving parent/carer
- Creative arts
- Individual support for children & young people who need it including
Under 5s, Young People, Families (Children 0-18)
Areas Covered:
Areas within B&NES, Wiltshire, Somerset.
How are services accessed?
Anyone with a palliative diagnosis and their families can ask to be referred to Dorothy House Hospice by a health professional
01225 721385 (referrals)
Bradford on Avon
BA15 2LE
01225 722988
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