Daybreak Family Group Conferences
About Daybreak Family Group Conferences
Putting people at the heart of decision making
Our Core Aims:
Harness the power of families and communities to solve problems.
Empower people to proactively engage in decisions that affect them.
Champion the voice of children, young people, and adults who might otherwise remain unheard.
Too often society relies on professionals to find solutions for families and communities facing challenges; however, we believe that the people at the heart of such challenges are best placed to make decisions and put together plans to overcome them. We know that we are all more committed to carrying out plans for our own welfare and for that of our family and community if we make those plans ourselves, rather than being expected to act on decisions made for us by others.
At the core of our work is empowering people to proactively engage in decisions that affect them. Good decisions are based on accurate information and trusting relationships; our services are therefore open, honest, and based on mutual respect.
Services Provided:
Daybreak facilitates Family Group Conferences for families when there is concern for the safety or wellbeing of a child or children within the family. There are often multiple issues to be addressed through an FGC including mental health, domestic abuse, parental conflict homelessness, and exploitation. The FGC is completely voluntary, and families are never forced to participate.
An FGC brings the wider network of family and friends together to develop a plan to address the issues they face. The FGC builds on the strengths within the family network that can be used to support the child or young person and the adults involved. Families are supported to identify extra support and resources, both from within the family network and from appropriate professional agencies, that will help them bring about change.
We are currently piloting contextual safeguarding conferences, where children or young people are at risk outside the home. These conferences are convened where there is concern around potential criminal or sexual exploitation, where there is anti-social behaviour or where communities raise concerns.
We are currently looking at how FGCs may be used in different situations including where young people are at risk of homelessness or where a child/young person is at risk of entering the criminal justice system or where they are released from custody.
Under 5s
Young People
Areas Covered:
Wiltshire and beyond
How are services accessed?
Professional Referrals Only
Become a Member
Are you a voluntary organisation working with children, families and young people in Wiltshire? Wiltshire Children & Families Volunatry Sector Forum (CFVSF) is for you. Membership is free and being part of CFVSF helps to ensure a strong working relationship and partnership working between the public sector and VCSE organisations.