Connect Wiltshire – Wiltshire Substance Use Service
About Connect Wiltshire – Wiltshire Substance Use Service
Leading health and social care providers, Turning Point, Developing Health & Independence (DHI), Julian House and The Nelson Trust, have partnered-up to expand their services in Wiltshire with the launch of Connect – Wiltshire substance use service, on 1 April.
Connect, commissioned by Wiltshire Council, will offer a wide range of support services for people of any age, including children and young people, struggling with alcohol and/or drug use.
The Connect service will strike a balance between early intervention, education and treatment, offering free, flexible, person-centred support to Wiltshire residents of all ages.
Turning Point, DHI, Julian House and Nelson Trust all have a long history of supporting Wiltshire residents, providing them with flexible support, tailored to the needs and circumstances of each individual.
Services Provided:
The service is made up of various elements to ensure support is available to anyone who needs it, regardless of their circumstance, this will include 1-1 support and treatment for children and adults, out-reach provision engaging with individuals both in the community, in prisons, courts and police custody, a criminal justice provision to work with individuals who are involved in substance use related crime, group work provision, access to medical interventions, inpatient detoxes and residential rehab, peer mentor support and more. The key focuses of the new service are to ‘meet people where they are’, providing tailored support in the community, with a particular focus on the rurality of Wiltshire, recognising that not everybody will be able to make the journey to a hub. The service will be innovative and adaptable, responding to local needs and ensuring that individuals can access treatment at any stage of their journey.
Young People (aged 11-18)
Areas Covered:
Wiltshire (excluding Swindon)
How are services accessed?
Professional & Self-Referral
Contact Name:
Miche Rose
0300 5550157
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